Posted by: Dr Churchill | June 10, 2024

Walking with Destiny — English documentary film about Winston Churchill’s impact on the Holocaust and the Creation of the State of Israel…

    Here is an English film created as a documentary about the impact of Winston Churchill on fighting racism, and preserving liberty, while fighting the NAZIs alone, and saving all the English speaking people and as many Jews as he could; by standing up to the defeatists, trivializing Adolf Hitler and the NAZI regime’s strength, installing Courage to his people, and giving real HOPE to all the downtrodden around the world.

He did all that by gifting an extra large heaping plate of indelible Courage to the British hearts, guiding them in fighting the Huns, and emerging Victorious, after crafting the Alliance with Stalin and with FDR and thus bringing Russia & America as Allies, into the bloody visceral conflict with Hitler’s evil NAZI forces of darkness and beating them to bits.

This is the diplomatic & leadership configuration genius, that allowed him in short order, to defeat the Forces of Evil Axis, and thus liberate the whole of the Nations of Gentiles, Christians & Jews in Europe, and around the World, when at the height of his Victorious Force, he was able to put a complete end to the Holocaust, to the pogroms, to the racial discrimination, and to allow the State of Israel to emerge from the ashes of the Concentration Camps’ Shoah… 

Notably the ancient prophetic Rabbi Nachmanides is referenced in the film, prophesizing that when a terrible King shall arise seeking to destroy the Jews — a Good King will appear who will defend them, and emerge Victorious, because he is doing the Right Thing.


Also the documentary “Walking with Destiny” shows FDR describing my grandfather Winston Churchill as the greatest man alive … and perhaps in History. 

It is a good film to watch when you have a moment to spare, because it will elucidate some anecdotal events that shape our world today as when Winston Churchill made sure that within the Atlantic Treaty, there will be provision to support the creation of the Great State of Israel right after the War ends.

This too came to pass — not because Churchill was a prophet, but because he had his hands full-on at the wheel of Global and Uncontested Power, after the end of the War.

And that’s how the State of Israel came to “Being” right after the Great Second World War…


Yet, this documentary also focuses on Winston Churchill’s years in the political wilderness, his early opposition to the Third Reich, and his support for Jewish people. Participants in this film are Brian McArdle, Doron Avraham, Richard Ben Asher, Ben Kingsley & it was directed by Richard Trank.

Worth watching…

Just imagine living today, in the Concentration & Extermination NAZI camps, where the Jews along with the partizans and all others interned by the NAZIs, and their Ukrainian sympathizers, in their deathly concentration camps, were still holding on to hope, always secretly whispering to each other “Winston-Winston” in passing, whenever they wanted to affirm their hopes for their short tomorrows.

And they seriously did this, not only in order to imbue their Hope for eventual liberation in their own hearts, but to also spend their grief, and to spread a ray of hope, in the hearts of the other unbroken people, living every day at the edge of death & destruction … in the hands of the uber racist NAZIs…

Does anything happening today in our country and beyond reminds you of these awful events?

Because back then — often times the “lucky” inmates were summarily executed, with the name of Winston in their lips, equating his existence with the Hope of Liberty and eventual Victory against the forces of Evil.

Knowing that — his friend George Orwell (when he wrote the polemic book 1984), he named the protagonist “Winston” in his Honor.

As for the inmates of the Concentration camps — they would also whistle this Partizan song, quietly to themselves and to each other, as a cheerful reminder of all possible resistance.

It is also a great lullaby for the children to be born in this age of renewed fascism, so that they won’t forget that History repeats itself: 

Worth remembering when we are faced with the evils of fascism in our lives today, because it is the ultimate tragedy when Winston’s prophesy that the “Fascists of tomorrow shall call themselves Antifascists” has already become the reality of our lives…


Dr Churchill


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