Dr Churchill on the “WHY” of the “BEB” (Bleeding Edge Blog)

These are the writings of Dr Churchill on this communication tool aptly titled Bleeding Edge Blog, that carries thoughts and words across the time and space divide of the internet and our mind’s eye.

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“Lex Titia – Mos Maiorum”

As the Leading Ethical United States Senate candidate on behalf of the great State of Washington, Dr Churchill has some pretty big shoes to fill…

Dr Churchill is the President of the Lincoln Party, the only truly Centrist and unaligned Political party of the United States of America. At the Lincoln party very much like the transformational President Abraham Lincoln — we believe in the fruits of educating voters for Liberty & Democracy, and in always advocating nan-aligned voting for issues, for persons, and for Transformational Leadership that solves problems for the People of this Great country — but not voting for party lines, and dogmatic politicians. We believe in Term Limits for all representatives of the people, and in transforming and simplifying our Government to free us from unnecessary regulation and from oppressive taxation.

The Lincoln party like it’s namesake seeks to unite and not divide. We seek to elevate everyone here and across the world. We aim at humanity’s enrichment through education and anti-slavery efforts to liberate our trafficked children and women form the usurious bondage of today’s slavery.

At the Lincoln Party, we are always standing for Liberty, Democracy, Free Will and the Pursuit of Happiness, those principles that are our God given RIGHTS, and guaranteed by the Constitution of these United States. This is our country and we aim to keep it as a Constitutional Republic through the awesome offering of our blood, toil, and our tears…

We very much care for the ecosystems of this great land, but we do not forget the World outside our borders that is the earth we care for, as good stewards of our environment and the planet, for all the future generations that are yet to come.

The Lincoln party – keeping it’s bearings from the True North compass of the great Emancipator Abraham Lincoln – fights against the bane of Humanity, the sickness that we see manifested as modern-day slavery, because despite slavery’s abolition in the 19th Century, modern slavery and human trafficking are not only a regular habit in islamic countries and in many underdeveloped parts of the world, but it is a huge problem in the Western world as well. As an example, in the United States of America, a person is trafficked every 15 seconds, and the average cost of a slave is a mere $190 USD.

The Slavery problem today is so prolific that the United States has enacted over 236 trafficking bills across 42 states. In the UK, the Modern Slavery Act was passed in 2015, and British police are currently working on over 300 live operations targeting this crime.

According to the U.N., modern slavery and trafficking is the second-largest criminal enterprise in the world. The International Labour Organisation claims that this generates profits of over $550 billion USD per year.

Modern slavery is defined as the crime of human trafficking, slavery, servitude and forced labor. The definition includes sexual or criminal exploitation.

At the Lincoln Party, as Free and Brave people, seek to address this problem that afflicts children in a disproportionate way, and as pedophilia is a growing sickness in America and the World — we aim to save those that have no voice and no agency, from the clutches of the sexual predators. It is children, and the young people that merit most of our attention, but women and minorities, as well as forced migrants, debt slaves & mental slaves, constitute the greater effort.

We seek to restore balance, harmony and equanimity for the youngest members of our society, and educate them in order to become a greater force for Good as Patriots, through God & Country — fighting against both leftist fascism, and right wing national socialism. We will continue fighting against political correction, and correctness, and against the Democrat party’s illiberal ideology, and the GOP’s stupidity of unreasonable belief systems.

At the Lincoln Party, we are all in “For the People, by the People, and from the People — so help us God.”

Dr Pano Churchill believes that “The heights of great men reached and kept — Were not attained by sudden flight — But they, while their companions slept — Were toiling upwards in the night.”

Aside from the Lincoln party leadership, Dr Churchill is working hard, as the CEO of American Angels, a Tech StartUp Hub of Innovation and Early Stage Startup Exchange that leads the World towards the founding and funding of the Great New Tech & Science ideas, and thus creating the jobs of the future in America and beyond.

Dr Churchill, was the first Internet Auction pioneer, the innovator of Wi-Fi technology, Inventor of Life Saving Medicine of WellHeart Inc, the Innovator of the Life Science & BioTech Angel Investor group, the Energy & Green Bonds Innovator, and the definitive Mobile & Wi-Fi Telecommunications Entrepreneur.

Dr Churchill spends his time publicly speaking, working, and traveling; and can be found in airplanes and airports, between Seattle, San Jose, Washington DC, New York, London, San Francisco, Shanghai, Beijing, and other dark, big, & hard working cities…

He can also be found on a motorcycle riding across our great country’s backroads and  byways. From Eastern Washington, to Montana and Yellowstone, and from Santa Fe, and the Grand Canyon state, to the Sun State, and the islands in the sky. And from Taos, to the Spaceport in New Mexico.

If you care to ride with Churchill – drop a line here. Or go on Twitter… and PM me.

Dr Churchill’s Favorite Media is this http://www.beb.mobi, and the http://www.newscommons.net

Favorite Newspaper:

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Bragging rights:
Started more than a Thousand StartUp companies via open-sourcing the Innovation StartUp Weekend method, of Entrepreneurship and Science and Technology Innovation all around the world. Many thousands of jobs were created…

This seems to be the lucky day, you stumbled upon the blog most beloved by humble and true Leaders. Servant leaders, in the all important business of Innovation, Company founding, and  Jobs Creation, within the StartUp Entrepreneurship community.
Read on because this is the private thoughtstream of a Special Teacher-Leader who is followed by the most mindful Leaders of New and Innovative Companies all around the world.
People like yourself, founders, Angels, venturers, agile leaders, in Science, in Innovation, in Entrepreneurship, in Business, in Academia and even in elected public Life — read this blog in order to gather fresh ideas, earn intelligence, and learn new skills, they can apply in their own organizations and continue on the path of the pursuit of Excellence.
The Bleeding Edge Blog is also a private subscription newsletter that is subscribed and read by hundreds of Founding CEOs, VCs, and C-level executives across the globe. And you can join that version of this Business Growth Tool, as well.
Yet the good thing is that you are now reading it in its basic form. And if you find value – maybe you’ll want to upgrade to the full package. Let us know.
So whether You are a Founder, a CEO, or a C-level chief, and an elected or chosen leader — these words are for You. These meditations are just for You, and for all the thoughtful leaders who turn here for understanding, and for healthful community, and who are your constant companions and competitors in Life and Business.
So enjoy your stay here and read on the short “Why” of these writings. The “Why” and the “How” of these writings will help you understand the context of our work together. So maybe this is your message from “above” to come and participate in the rarefied life of the Leader – yet to me communicating through writing and expressing my Thoughts, is a practice that’s as simple as breathing.

And it is also a practice that allows me to be real, because we all have to remember our moorings, and the roots. And this is the reason why we work, and why we make such an effort to succeed, and create jobs, prosperity, and wealth. We Bank on the success of all others around us as the ultimate ticket to our own success. Kind of like karma in Action for Business and Life.

Trust me — it works, because it affords me to do the amazing things that I couldn’t do without vast resources. I have places to go and people to see and help as best I can… and this Growth and Prosperity allows me to do all that.

Enough talk about How to Earn it…

Now let’s talk about How to Spend It:

Since the first Earth Day conference – back in Rio in 1992 – we are working on the ideas of the stressed out Ecosystems, the warming planet, our climate change leading to Climate Chaos, of the rapidly changing Environment, and of the vast Resource depletion that leads to War and Economic collapse, along with Societal dystopia, Climate refugees, and the collapse of Democracy.  Therefore my involvement in Economics, Sustainability, Environmental Justice, Climate politics, Geopolitics and in short the issues the Environmental Parliament is dealing with led me to the founding of this great institution and my Leadership practice as am still now the acting chair of the Global Environmental Parliament.

Back when I was a young student lad, that was building businesses on the side of studying and seeking a degree, during the early days of the development of the cellular phones, and working with the pioneers making the dream of wireless telephone communications a reality — I learned what it takes to make a Revolution in Technology and Industry.

Soon enough I was making a living building young smart and agile single product companies and passing them on to the “Builders” of this Cellular phone communication revolution. This is how I came to be known as the “wireless cowboy” by leading wireless communications and mobile innovation cutting edge companies to some kind of beneficial exit. Usually a strategic exit, through an acquisition by a strong company that had the resources to lead on the charge to the future.

All along this journey, it had always been critical for me to be able to see things differently. I had to see the world beyond the horizon, because that is what is required to invent and innovate the Future.

I focused on birthing and bringing about this future through my Efforts to be the Leader at the intersection of Innovation, Invention, and State of the Art Science. That moving equilibrium – led me to the creation of the open source Wi-Fi standard for wireless computing and communication, where I worked with many other great colleagues and founders. That is the nexus of innovation: Cooperation and competition with people near and far in order to create the Future we all want to see.

This Wi-Fi innovation and the community wireless and my founding of Seattle Wireless, was my first big success, and this in turn led to the creation of hundreds of companies that became successful in the Open Source world of the Wireless Internet and Telecommunications in all the places of the world where we could leapfrog the moribund incumbent and usually state owned Telecom monopoly. That’s how we came to really disrupt the World and the most wealthy industry the Earth had ever known. The Telecoms industry. The Dinosaurs of our time…

ICT was never the same after we brought out the Wi-Fi open source standard. Amazing disruptions followed, from VOIP, to video compression for mobiles, and all the great applications and games and some useful things that make all the young people to keep their noses stuck on their smart phone screens for … ever.

Talk about the convergence of the Wireless, Computing, Internet, Telecoms, and People, that this Innovation brought about. Talk about the Wireless Fidelity, that we renamed it Wi-Fi away from the tongue tying IEEE 802.11 A, C, D, E, B, etc that was called before my involvement with it. Talk about my marketing of Wi-Fi to Steve Jobs and Apple Inc so that they can include it in their laptops and that led other computer makers to follow suit. Talk about the Free People’s Wi-Fi networks all around the Globe that has led to  many advances in Liberty and Democracy.

It’s good sometimes to reminisce and recall that we created the very first globally accepted strong standard of the Telecoms world and of the Computing industry combined. But I have to remind everyone around that we only did this because we were strong enough n our belief and because we assigned it as an Open Source standard, and then getting the people to support Wi-Fi all around because it represented the People’s Choice.

And this Success, led me to emulate the example and this Innovation, into other industries, other technologies, and other efforts for getting us all closer together and making us safer and healthier. I did this with the Telecommunications space and now am doing it with the Healthcare space and Medicine for the People. For many years this has been my work, my practice, and my playground too.

The global Communications Commons is the shared Earth space we all truly connected and vocalize our human experience and vivify the Earth as the place we call home. It is the evolutionary process towards building the global brain. Always connected to others through our wireless end point of the network devices and our smart phones.

As for me, it allowed me to create many many companies in the intersection of Computing and Wireless Telecommunications. Whether working with large business organizations, leading departments and product innovation, or effecting business turnarounds, M&As, or just thinking, or even studying elementary physics and astrophysics, or writing code for wireless communications, and writing code for human minds, or leading mobile telecommunication companies to the market leadership, or to an IPO, or a strategic growth trajectory – it all comes down to VISION.

That coupled with imagination and the will to serve has been the single leadership standard that I espouse and so do most of you as I hear from your own musings, comments and emails.

St. Augustine of Hippo said, ‘Determine what God has given you, and take from it what you need – the remainder is needed by others’  That’s my philosophy in a nutshell.  And kindness is my religion.

Although our Mobile Internet and wireless communications work and PE telecoms businesses are a rather evolved and demanding field and innovation is rampant – it is the Environment and Climate that dictate our Lives. The economic gains we make and the wealth of the networks even though abundant is reliant on the natural services ecosystems as much as any human activity.

We tend to overestimate ourselves and overindulge our economic instincts forgetting that without nature there is no economy – nor Life.  Our incessant focus on growth, wealth creation and economic advantage fuel the shadow side of our world. We destroy that which keeps us alive. Therefore it’s high time for a shift…

So after creating mobile innovations and numerous companies, wireless pioneering businesses and common wealth – I recycle it all and share the wealth with the network of need. A far more satisfactory pursuit as you also discover every time you give with meaning.

I now seek and follow the Innovator’s path in Human Medicine and Healthcare. Still working every day in helping people communicate through wireless, and fostering Green Capital creation, and sharing the fruits of Life. Once a venturer and an adventurer – always one. Still chop wood and carry water every day. And always doing my work before I get to play, or socialize, or even meditate.

Our StartUp Company Founding, our Angel capital, and our Venture work, are all steeped in advanced Green Environmental Economics, and are informed through value investing, to lead in the prescient future view for creating jobs, prosperity, profits, and also opening up markets for a Low Carbon Economy future around the world. Today it might be America, or Europe, or China. Tomorrow it would be Africa, and the Indian subcontinent — and the rest of the developing world. Yet tomorrow, today, the day after … are all interchangeable because of opportunity and the emerging markets story.

But everyday is opportunity for Company building, for Startup Day Entrepreneurship, for Forex growth, and for Equities arbitrage – and as such we have to long term value investment view from the top of the mountain.

And to do that – you have to be on top of the mountain, or at least on top of your game, and industry. That’s the only way to see beyond the horizon. And to do this You absolutely need healthy councel, good advise, and the trust and camaraderie of your colleagues. For if you have faith you have no questions – and if you don’t then you have plenty of doubt. So here is to sharing with all of You, all the the findings, the gems of our quest and vision, and the learnings from the education we payed good money to earn.

If it leads it bleeds and that’s what the name of the Bleeding Edge Blog and what the muse connotes.

Maybe you like it and if so, share it…

Essentially all leaders are activists – Business leaders included. But even more so, are the activist organization and community leaders who have to be good communicators, policy leaders, and even business entrepreneurs wishing to reach and influence an audience, the larger the better. The Environmental struggle isn’t any different than anything else we sharpened our senses working towards.

This is the way forward, hoping to impact the current idea sphere and the public debate for the kind of future we all share. This is grassroots innovation about Climate politics, Environmental Economics and Networks. I think and write about the Environment, the Leadership, the Internet and Mobile Communications, Social Net sphere, Start ups, Business Models, Ventures, and Private Equity, Family, Good Corporations, Value investments in the Green Space that promote a low carbon economy and well being for companies beyond their own executives, shareholders, investors and product buyers. I write about social innovations and Climate politics as the future fast forward.

And still all I write about is good leadership. Leadership for our planet. Leadership for our piece of beautiful rock hurling through space at incredible speeds and with none at the controls…

That’s where it all starts from and is where it gets back at.

Dealing and negotiating with climate and the environment you tend to attract a whole lot of the divisive voices but also you become a lightning rod for action.

I concur with the observation that an unexamined life is not worth living. Key to turning around any malignancy – be it personal tragedy, or our collective headlong rush into global ecocide – is acknowledging you have a problem and getting the help you need. Brutal personal and societal honesty is an essential step on the path to long-term sustainability. So is weathering the radical honesty we practice as a matter of principle and nonsensical character assassination attempts that result from speaking truthfully on matters of importance, never left me in doubt about speaking TRUTH to POWER.
I have come to realize it is not necessary to be perfect to contribute to my community, to love and be loved, and to live a good life. It’s okay to be vulnerable at times, if one is being honest and trying every day to be strong. For a lifetime of personal growth it is just required that you commit to the truth, learn from your mistakes and make amends, and constantly strive for self-improvement. And when you are feeling a bit off  …  just pray.
I apologize to those I hurt, I forgive those who hurt me, and I rejoice at the miracle of our Communal healing. I hope that after a life time of being active for a healthy planet, people will see the real me.  A committed family man, ecologist, community servant, and free-thinking and thought-filled human being.  I’m back after successfully weathering the tragedy, comedy, and drama of my Life, and I look forward to whatever…

Enjoy being critical as a philosophical contribution about the political and the economic subjects, about history and social institutions, and about leaders for my people, with the single aim of highlighting the path less travelled of all these unexpected connections.

I viscerally feel about civilization’s, humanity’s and ecology’s demise. If you see me at times as too extreme – however well intentioned – in my prescriptions for how to avoid global ecological collapse, bear with me because it’s ALL TRUE.

Being a student of China is also important – for if never attaining the exalted status of a sinologist – one can only learn… while trying.

If you love a country or a people or a company – You ought to be a dissenter even if just so you can present the blind sides of the debate.

The Bleeding edge acted as a community organizer of leaders and now it is the definitive blog for Leadership in the community of important issues and ideas.

Another level of abstraction moving from people focus to ideas and concepts that  impact our lives, families, countries and common future.

The next level of abstraction will be when we move to the clear stream of consciousness as one being for the whole humanity – but don’t hold your breath for this happening in this blog in this lifetime…

This Blog started Life many years ago as a subscription newsletter and it evolved into a Leadership for cutting edge Corporations and leading technology, Mobile and telecoms CEOs. It became a Read only Bulletin Board with large amount of what I have written in books and articles aimed at a specialized audience of Corporate and Government Leaders.

Being a strict and expensive subscription only model, this remained hidden from most of you. From the turn of the century onwards I have quietly shifted to a strictly Political, Corporate and Environmental Leadership Blog and written a lot, about what is happening in the world’s most powerful countries and what that might mean for the rest of us.

But I also look equally hard I hope to the most powerless countries and people where I spend much time in service, and even though much of that remained hidden as well through my focused writings in other languages than English – here are the present day interests of my peripatetic Life. Mainly Philosophical thoughts and Leadership on the Bleeding Edge informs the title of the Blog. Here are things I have thought about and found them of interest. Maybe you will too.

I hope that you will find some resonance in your Life and worth your time reading and thinking after. I am also intrigued by Leaders aspirations and visions and how they translate into the world’s movements or their impacts on our Lives. The phenomenon of power and how that is exercised and experienced in different political cultures not just the Anglo-Saxon one is paramount. The Chinese models of development and leadership on which am an authority and a devoted student –  as it’s vastness never allows one to move past the A levels, always awes me. The incredible resilience of the people and the Confucian attitude of Love and truth to power but first to the people – is what allows me to be a benevolent critic. The freedom relevance to Open societies and development as in one country – two systems can be seen in our writings about the future of  Hong Kong and Taipei…

I am interested in what actively limits our gaining knowledge on important matters, and the widespread phenomenon of studied ignorance, and particularly the ways that this shapes our political environment and Governing bodies. I truly believe one man can change the world. Be Careful it might also be a woman or a child or a singular event. Singularity theory is for me the Quantum Theory of the day and write as if this shapes my Life daily.

I will try to comment regularly on polity and economy. Should they seize to be of interest, trust that Philosophy will guide You.

Leadership and Philosophy they should always be seen as parts of the same thing. Singular aspects of the same coin. Or diamond shaped events as they reflect all the people’s hopes and dreams. We evolve and connect those with those of others. A lot of the time I will just be thinking out loud and calling you to be awake. I will, in a rather meandering way, follow the unfolding of events in areas that interest me, with jottings under the customary dateline, and link subjects that come up with relevant bits and pieces in earlier writing with which I will gradually fill up the reservoir.

Having had near death experiences – I cam near Life – with vehemence. I now know the value of Life and would never accept a price for it. People living in the edge are just as valuable as the ever more vocal western mouths running  atwitter. For those fools – who put a price on the Life of others – they don’t know the value of life; nor they have ever lived.

There are a number of themes that I intend to come back to, again and again, when I think they are relevant to the questions and dilemmas of twenty-first century existence. My focus is on Environmental and Economic American and European developments and the trans-Atlantic relationship, and what these mean for the rest of the world. Especially for the climate and the most vulnerable and their relationship to the most responsible for the state of the world. The ones who suffer the most and the ones most responsible. They are the polar opposites of the same globe.

Both shall melt… and the twain shall meet.

After all those who have been given a lot – much is expected from.

And am interested in the birth of the European federalism or the European integration, especially in the context of how a Europe with a voice could play a beneficent role in the world. Am very interested in the institution of the citizen, and in which manner citizenship remains possible on the supranational level of the European Union. Is a federal Europe possible with autonomous nation states? Or are nation-states on the way to the evolutionary extinction bin of history? Much the same as the city-states of yore? A further intention is to carry writings of friends and willing strangers whose ideas I think are worth the broadest audience they can get.

Of course I want people everywhere to read me, and hope that like-minded bloggers will discover this and link it to their own musings.

And as the Economic future is important for profit taking and maintaining the businesses and equities of smart people and companies we’ll show you how to keep on making money sharing some secrets we uncover.

A Caveat Emptor always applies: Any action of economic intelligence that you discern in this Blog – trust that you are intelligent enough to recognize that – we put our money where our mouth is and we have acted upon the insights before we disclose them to all of you.

Therefore in some ways it’s good for you in that we’ve taken the Innovator’s risk and having endured the pioneers trials and tribulations – We’ve opened the way for you to follow.

It also follows that by enhancing the wave through your own actions we all will benefit mightily by economies of scale in our small nuanced actions.  So for the traders and PE and Hedge participants amongst you – remember – we are a self organizing community.

Act like it.

But I want specifically to address also an English, UK and a European intelligent public that is not interested in making money or grabbing opportunities from the distant future.

You know who You are. Impatient audience of leaders and activists around the Globe. In China we have a following and in Tibet as well as in Europe in the UK and in America and even a general global following of these cosmopolitan movers and shakers. Not only because capital and intelligence have no home land and recognize no borders – but mainly because today Data and Information as well as labour and the Environment and those pesky CO2 molecules ppmv recognize no borders either. We live and die in a closed loop ecosystem. Let’s act as if we understand the entropy of it.  Because there exists a great need specifically for the informed global public to understand that.

Whether that exists in the European Union, in China, in America or in Tibet it doesn’t matter. Only that it isn’t aligned with any particular economic fallacy or party or with their home leadership in a parochial sense –  but they are simply evolved citizens of the world.

We see more of it amongst intelligent and youthful Europeans. We applaud that. A relocalized global consciousness is what we hope for.

Citizens of the Earth without a national flag are the future of our survival.

You don’t have to take my word for it. Ask Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens. Go on…

Step up to the natural history museum.

Shedding of nationalism in Europe has been a tremendously healthy diversion from bloody minded conflicts. They relegate these conflicts now in the football arenas safely channeling tribal animosities. Parochialism still runs rampant amongst the less intelligent members of the species but that will be sorted with the new generations. And these are my People. The people who support the Environmental Parliament and the Environmental Court. The people who have to live by our dictates and examples as well as they might fall victims to our foibles and inherit our climate debt. They are the ones who really matter. You and me are already walking for the exit, so let’s make it graceful.

And I particularly like Europeans of the new millennium – Europeans in a true sense of the word – just as much as Benjamin Franklin called himself an American (not a Pennsylvanian) and George Washington was first and foremost an American (not a Virginian) before it became fashionable to be so. These men of the highest ideals and moral conduct showed us the way for a well built constitutional federal democracy.

Europe being the largest economy by far of this world; has to show leadership away from national state developments and towards a global Polity. The EU economy is double the size of the US and China economies combined. Maybe it’s time now to punch close to it’s weight category…

Now in parts of the old establishments (UK-London etc) there is no public sphere within the whole of Europe – yet – for these people. But it will evolve soon. It took Americans 50 to 100 years to get there even after the galvanizing war of independence. And even then they had the bloody civil war of fratricide. Let’s see how long will it take the Europeans to shed the quaint parochialism and evolve towards a European identity. And invariably I must take an Anglo-American route and explain things from that context as London is where I call home most but am an American at heart and Chinese or Korean just as much as Greek or an Englishman.

As you can see – I live by my code.

A European public sphere is bound to emerge. That hope is shaped by the entirely reasonable expectation that at some time, I very much want to contribute to this effort, and perhaps this website will be such a contribution.  A dream for a united Europe… to presage a united world.

Getting together globally to solve global challenges [as in the EU example]  … for the global Commons is the work of EP and all of us – citizens of the planet.

The Environmental Parliament acts as the Security Council for this Earth and uses the example of the European Union as an evolution whose time has come for the global Commons. A place where all belong…

If we can do it – then the whole world can do it too.

The people of the world are afoot and atwitter and rushing to join up in unity and peace – finally able to live with nature and each other in a growing fashion of harmony and trust.

Only way really to solve the global issues of the day and above else the climate challenges…

Let’s not forget… Obviously Levity and humour are the essence of critical communication and also further British Civilization. At least that’s how Winston Churchill saw it…
Criticism is also how we get to move forward from the stagnant ”stick in the mud” position to an evolving, progressive and forward thinking
society. ”If you can’t accept criticism -You shouldn’t be doing theatre” is what Alec Guinness advised his master actor students like Ben Kingsley  —  Sound Advise — Me thinks. It applies to all of us as we pass through the stage of Life… exit left.

After all please keep in mind the following: My whistleblowers effect has been positive to You and all concerned. Thanks to us, some people are healthier, living longer productive lives, and Democracy is strengthened.  Especially since now these people have a voice – and can share their intimate fears and feel that someone cares to express and fight on their behalf.  Not a small feat judging by the amount of push-back I receive.
Please ponder upon this for a moment and You’ll see me in the most positive light of Love and Friendship; because I am assisting your work to a better, cleaner, healthier Living for all.

An honest critic is a Patriot who can bring ”great success with a little bit of soap”  as my mother used to say…

Please Remember:

I am only representing myself here.

These are views spoken entirely on my behalf and those I support. They are unedited and represent the truest form of belief and ideas.

These are humorous takes of our often tiresome and irksome reality. But even as criticisms, cynical humour and daily aphorisms, do not represent at the slightest the positions of the Environmental Parliament or my employer the Green Capital nor any of my official work positions either.  My grandmother isn’t responsible for these either but telling truth to power is something inherited somewhere.

So….  If you like it here – stay.

If  you don’t like it – just switch back – to the telly.

Drink from the firehose if You are thirsty; and the knowledge will quench your thirst. Alternatively – if you can’t handle this –  go for the office cooler and hope it’s not the watering hole of Kalahari during feeding time.

Those good looking beasts bite…

The communications we have aren’t directed at a person or place or country, nor nation of individuals – so please don’t take them personally – they are only healthy criticism to motivate You for change.

It is just a statement of facts towards an endemic situation that allows human systems – like our profligate Energy sector – to run amok and cause havoc to our Ecosystems.

We aren’t adolescents anymore. We ought to rein in those hormones and seek balance with our planet and hosts.

However if you still get upset and feel offended – by reading this – just  go for a walk.

Inspiration will surely hit as to what You can do to better your own Life – and by virtue of your positive choices – our lives shall improve too.

In the event we haven’t offended You – just wait – your turn will come the soonest. We aim to please…

Just que up and I suggest that we should meet to talk as I think it useful. I’ll buy you a cup of coffee if you have ten minutes to spare. What the heck – making new friends – can’t be all that hard.

Listen to my example – Live simply, so others may simply live – thus spoke Gandhi.

Good Luck and Godspeed

Dr Churchill