Posted by: Dr Churchill | June 19, 2024

Wisdom Valley

Beijing’s wisdom valley is a former massive steel mill.

Yes indeed in the north-western district, is where the famed Beijing ironworks were located…

Now all the old steelworks have been removed, the area has been cleaned up, and China’s Silicon Valley has been created in its place.

That’s a massive undertaking and a harbinger of things to come.

And that is what they call “Wisdom Valley” in Montague district, or perhaps more descriptively — they call it Beijing Silicon Valley, with a singular focus on AI.

Seeing how China has now created a Digital army, or rather a branch of their armed forces that is comprised of all the computer Scientists, digital workers, and AI experts in the land — one has to wonder, what is the conflict they are gearing up for ?

In America none hears about the imminent new mandatory registration of all the young ones into the armed forces, and you have to think that this economic war might turn thermonuclear before August turns September…

Meanwhile we are blaming China, because America’s fiscal policy has really fouled up our economy.

Transitory Inflation ?


That’s a self-goal wouldn’t you say?

Foreign policy has really fouled up our economy.

E.g. release billions of $ US Dollars to Iran, who starts wars ubiquitously in their own neighborhood and far beyond.

Iran then sells oil & gas to China, same as Russia does too…

Russia, then starts their own war … in response to our encroachment in their backyard, and in response to our bombing of their gas pipelines to their customers in Europe.

NordStream anyone?

How about idyllic holidays in Bornholm island in the middle of Baltic Sea?

Ukraine “coke-whore clown,” Nato-puppet anyone?

In no time crude oil is bouncing from $0 to who knows where.

Yes, $0 per barrel was too low, but a single penny to Iran is a penny too much.

A second self-goal, wouldn’t you say?

China into the WTO wrecked the American wage scale and gutted critical US manufacturing capabilities.

As did offshoring silicon chip production to a tiny island called Formosa, that sits just a stone’s throw away from the mainland and thus singularly situated in China’s crosshairs.

Ok, now we’re down 3-0 and the opponents haven’t even gotten off the bench.

This all results from party driven policies NOT from any instance of serious, or even smart economic science.

And that is where I wholly disagree with the statement that presidents don’t directly influence economic levers.

When you suppress domestic oil production, ship your LNG to Germany after bombing the Nordstream pipeline, tell the country in 2012 that manufacturing jobs aren’t coming back, release billions in frozen assets to your “love child” named Iran, and flood the country with 12 millions of desperately poor illegal migrants willing to work for peanuts — you depress American wages — well then — you are indeed drunk, stoned, Alzheimer’s sufferer, and yet still gripping the levers of power, with both hands while doing the Chicken Dance or staring into infinity, frozen in the mental fugue of the doddering fool…

Well done America.

Now, what more do you want ?


Everybody please “do a Biden” face & fugue.
Just walk about aimlessly, looking intently towards the nearest bushes to relieve yourself…
Not just an impersonation… do the whole thing: Relieve yourself in your pants, pampers, or depends, as the call of nature arrives, all the while staring at the clouds for signs of Alien invaders.
Alternatively – stare vacantly into space for 20 minutes.
Or if you are talking in your desk at your phone — keep repeating the same sentence over & over again, like an old turntable stuck in a scratchy groove.
Hang up the phone mid sentence.
Stop talking at the beginning of the sentence, and walk slowly towards the bathroom.
Do it to scare your friends and your enemies alike.
In social gatherings make sure nobody speaks to you by looking intently at the ceiling examining the plaster and the chandeliers as if they are ready to collapse.
Carry a football and pretend to push its buttons, while grinning diabolically.

Do it dude, no worries … its totally OK.

It’s totally appropriate!

If you want progress — please everybody — just don a Biden mask and go around the gas stations of the nation to hear people’s comments at the pump…  

By the way, this is a projection using AI for gasoline costs over this next phase of fiat (FRN/dollar) death.

This is merely a projection.

The generative AI more than doubled these gas prices, when it was asked to take current gold & silver prices into consideration.
Further, it projected $800 as the cost of silver by the end of 2025. If it is available to be purchased (Unobtainium).

This is just a projection from Artificial Intelligence software in a deep learning environment, that might want to nudge your thinking about where we are, dollar wise.

Progression of Gasoline Prices (1971-1981)
1971: $0.36 per gallon
1972: $0.36 per gallon
1973: $0.39 per gallon (before the embargo)
1974: $0.53 per gallon (after the embargo)
1975: $0.57 per gallon
1976: $0.59 per gallon
1977: $0.62 per gallon
1978: $0.65 per gallon
1979: $0.88 per gallon (during the Iranian Revolution)
1980: $1.19 per gallon (peak of the crisis)
1981: $1.31 per gallonCurrent Context (as of June 2024)

Current Gasoline Prices: Around $4.50 to $5.00 per gallon in the US on average.
Out here in the consistently glorious Pacific Northwest in the City of Seattle, gas is always over $5.95 for me and my high performance vehicle.

Inflation: Higher than average due to various factors including supply chain disruptions, economic policies, internal USA political, and global events. Projected to run at some level OVER 100% per year by the end of the 2nd year post agreement lapse.

Other Projections:
Fiat currency undergoes significant devaluation as a result of the lapse of the Petrodollar agreement. We can draw parallels with past hyperinflation scenarios, although the actual impact will depend on specific circumstances.

Here’s a hypothetical progression over the next few years. Short-Term (1-2 Years):
Inflationary Surge: Rapid devaluation of fiat currency could lead to a surge in gasoline prices.
Possible Price Range: $8.00 to $13.00 per gallon.

Mid-Term (3-5 Years):
Continued Inflation: Sustained inflation could further push prices up, especially if alternative energy sources aren’t sufficiently developed to offset demand.
Possible Price Range: $17.00 to $31.00 per gallon.

Long-Term (5-10 Years):
Market Adjustments: Potential stabilization through new economic systems, adoption of cryptocurrencies, or a new form of backed currency.
Possible Price Range: Prices could stabilize but remain high compared to historical norms, possibly in the range of $28.00 to $52.00 per gallon, depending on the success of economic transitions and energy innovations.

As you can see, our best model of Artificial Intelligence thinks that the FRN, Federal Reserve Note, basically the National Debt, is going to be rather worthless in a short time.

Still, these gasoline price projections are NOT taking into account the compounding impacts of other inflationary forces, such as the silver oxides that is used in the refining of gasoline.

Perhaps an electric vehicle is in your future?


Dr Churchill


Monopolist intervention against China is a false start, anyway you cut it.

Free trade is a hallmark of America, a mercantile nation, if not a trading empire, and the currently scheduled tariffs are a direct, regressive tax on Americans, and thus President Joe Biden’s new tariffs on Chinese goods will hit every American family, where it hurts…

President Joe Biden’s claim that he caused less debt than his predecessor, is false when calculating debt accrued during his tenure in office, because by the end of his four-year term, debt accumulation on his watch, is projected to exceed the debt under former President Donald Trump’s first term.

Admittedly, when assigning portions of the national debt load, to a particular president can be misleading, because so much of it traces back to decades-old, bipartisan legislation that set the parameters for well entrenched institutions like Social Security and Medicare.

Yet the American inflation of today is unsupportable and that is why the next US president’s name will not start with the letter “B”

Yet it better be an Alpha male who can courageously correct this mess = otherwise we are all going straight down the pooper.

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