Posted by: Dr Churchill | June 1, 2024

Our protective North Atlantic Treaty Organization chooses Human Extinction, over the sad Reality of our dashed Napoleonic dreams of expansion into the East…

Today it has become really evident that the usually circumspect and sometimes even realistic NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is flirting with a full Human Species’ extinction. 

Why am I even attempting to sound the useless alarm is now beyond me — except for the fact that there are still good young people on this Earth, beyond the generations of unborn, that need to be protected from foolish Alzheimers suffering old men, sending young men to their deaths as cannon fodder and resigning the rest of Humanity into a Nuclear winter that will extinguish all of us and inherit the planet to the cockroaches…

Of course the US and its demented President Mr party-pooper Joe, the Biden bidet, is goading Pentagon & NATO, to not only send all of its young men in uniform to certain death in Ukraine where they have already been experiencing the Stalingrad disaster the earlier teutonic German & their idiotic axis of evil allies experienced — but they have crossed all of my RED LINES and are now pushing the boundaries of the whole of Human Species’ Extinction.

Of course, mind you — this is not only about unraveling the Ukraine Crisis, but also about seeing through the fog of war, the Grim Reaper, staring right back at us, in our mirror image, made up of the mosaic of our own multitude of hopeless human faces, that collectively reflect our eventual doomsday scenario.

So, here I am offering the Minority Report, in an attempt to encapsulate the main topic of my upcoming book’s main content, but most importantly because these things move too fast for awaiting the publication date — I want to highlight this nagging concern of mine causing me a distinct nightmare emanating from the Pentagon’s, the White House’s and NATO’s strategic initiative actions, leading nowhere else but to our assured destruction and to the full and irrevocable extinction of the whole entirety of our very “unintelligent” human species.

My thoughts stem from the heart; and the unbidden language stems from my angst & frustration, with evil-making men, seeking the destruction of our command, and of all that we enjoy, and hold sacred — just because their angst at decrepitude, old age, insignificance, and Alzheimer’s induced mental fog — causes them to stupidly decide, that the risk of Nuclear war is a manageable affair.

Yet, when our leaders sleep in the pooper, or wherever isostatic pressure in comfort allows, as they are unable to string two sentences together — it remains up to us directly, to address the issues we are facing.

Issues that are massively important.

Massively important existential issues, like the new American Civil War, the Ukraine crisis, the European War, and the Nuclear weapons exchange Global & Final war. Because these are the most risible existential catastrophic consequences of our lack of strong governance — that are making it irrelevant today to worry about any other queries, questions, or occurrences.

So here are the top risks stemming from the trifecta of disasters, as a looming compound catastrophe, emanating from the leaderless White House’s West wing, NATO’s and the Pentagon’s Ukraine Policy, and the lack of dampening down the rhetoric of a New American Civil War.

So here are the “Direct Implications for the Faulty Towers Decisions that lead to the Discontinuation of All Human Existence upon this Earth.”

Today, I feel compelled to write this all too true book chapter as an article that emphasizes the potential risks associated with NATO’s policy in Ukraine, specifically addressing the existential implications and providing a sense of urgency to the topic. It is likely to attract users searching for information on the Ukraine crisis and its broader impact.NATO’s Ukraine Crisis: Threatening Human Survival & Global Security

By stressing the threat to human survival and global security posed by NATO’s actions in the Ukraine crisis, this title creates a sense of concern and relevance. It is tailored to attract individuals seeking information on critical international events and their implications.

NATO’s recent “moves” in Ukraine, where the petulant & largely unhinged dictator Zelensky, and his minnie-me, Monsieur Macron of France, the “petite cowboy” of the “Elyse palace” as the rather happy-go-lucky, “Petite Cowboy” alternatively described as “Le petite gayboy” of the bourgeoisie in France has declared that he is now “officially” sending troops to Ukraine.

This is a esthetic normalization of the existence of these French colonial troops on the ground in Ukraine, since these are basically the same French troops of invalids, that have been there for almost two years now.

Oops, I said it, and you better believe it, same as some of the most aggressive NATO countries, are goaded by France and its “Petite Gay Napoleon” to not only “demand” deep retaliatory strikes inside Russia, for the benefit of the illicit President of Ukraine, the “twin brother” of Macron — brother by another mother; who is the other “Petite Gay Napoleon,” since it always takes two, to have a real gay-buttgig-penetration-exchange party.

Meanwhile the leaderless US, has secretly made a “policy shift” that falls, somewhat short of what Zelensky wanted, but not by far, because it “opens the back door” for missile strikes by NATO & the US, deep inside Russian territory.

Another “Petite Gay Boy” the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, says that the US deep strike authorization news, represent “Russian Misinformation” yet, he did not deny the change in US policy. “Tony the pony” can claim all she wants that it is Russian disinformation, but the reports came from Washington, and not from Russia. 

“Tony, my little pony” Secretary Blinken, recently speaking in Prague…

But one wonders, what is really going on?

Ukraine is on the brink of collapse.  Zelensky’s term has expired and he is now an illegal “president” of Ukraine. The Coup d’stat that has kept him in power cannot long survive. The Ukrainian army is terribly short of troops, and that gets worse by the day as their army continues to suffer high casualties, in personal that cannot be replaced with drones or robots no matter what Washington promises Ukrainian people.  According to Reuters, Ukraine has lost 35,000 soldiers in May (killed and wounded).  Ukraine cannot replace the lost soldiers, and the forced recruiting program underway can’t replace neither warm living bodies, nor the necessary trained personnel either…

There also are rumors that Russia may significantly increase its own troop strength on the battlefield, and on the reserve lists.  Russia has a deep bench. Ukraine has got the promises of some French troops from the foreign legion and the French “brie, baguette & Beaujolais” pooffter clown cart.

Still some strong opium smokers, the demented tossers, the crack pipe puffers, along with the perennial weed eating losers of the US Pentagon, the West Wing, the White House, and the Brussels sprout-crowd, still think that NATO missiles should be reinforcing the ongoing Kharkiv-focused battle operations with mercenaries to stand there in the foxholes alongside the non existent Ukrainian forces, the rapidly deserting French colonials, and the self preserving NATO soldiers that far more likely to be found in the fleshpots of Kiev, or even Constantinople when the roll-call sounds in the morning ahead of the battle…

Zambians in Ukraine?

Fuck that…

French African colonial troops in Kharkiv?


French Tahitian female troops in Ukraine?

That I would like to see…

Other highly intelligent Pentagon, & NATO operatives are projecting a new battlefront in the Sumy region, staffed with West African, Cameroonian, and Tahitian troops, fighting under a Franco-Ukraine hybrid flag against battle hardened Russian motherland brigades.

What could go wrong?

Nothing, surely…

Thank God there are still some others sane enough, because they have laid down their dreamy pipes and become clear headed and now are capable of clear thinking, who can see that the Russians will soon reinforce their operations along the line of contract, thereby rolling up more territory and finally taking Chasiv-Yar, and thus opening the road towards the imminent capture of Kiev.

Of course, all of the NATO leaders fear Ukraine’s collapse because they can still read the tea leaves but having sucked themselves into this Ponzi scheme of Zelensky & Biden combine, are guessing almost correctly what the Russians will do next, and recognize that they have been coned and are now, largely out of options to leave Ukraine with their clothes on…

All intelligent species of life, besides Pentagon humans, recognize that inserting NATO soldiers, into Ukraine is not any better solution, than Napoleon’s solution of changing the tin buttons in his soldier’s uniforms, when he couldn’t offer them warm coats to keep them alive during Russia’s unforgiving Winter. 

Similarly, the current Napoleonic plan of “Le petite gayboys Macron and Zelensky” beating Russia — only means that Europe will soon be filled with walking body bags, coming home to roost, rest, and haunt the sleepless nights, of all continental leaders and beyond.  

No worries though for the Washington Emperor du jour. His brain-dead existence does not manufacture dreams or nightmares anymore, but what of the smartest people in the room, the Pentagon brass?

This is the kind of serial nightmares that NATO and all of its members will receive as its commenpause, because it says that it does not want to negotiate with Russia… 

Incomprehensible position.

Yet, I do not know why the citizens of NATO’s countries’ members want to start living with the nightmare of a new Nuclear War today in 2024, when we ought to know better.

Maybe the pencil pushers of the Pentagon, and the NATO chiefs have recognized that they face a shortage of military intelligence and a vast surplus of body-bags.

Or maybe they have found a lost page from the book, “The Art of War” by Lao Chu that tells them to be stupid in order to confuse the enemy.

Or maybe even their gray heads have all started smoking the evil weed and have become stupefied stoners, unintelligent drones, and sublime butt-fuckers — but even that goes against every scintilla of gray matter, that even the diminished brain power of President Biden, who heads into the upcoming “already-lost-to-him” elections, having also lost Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine in his short term Presidency atop the porcelain throne, where he spends most of each and every day. 

He doesn’t know that which even the mirrors inside the Pentagon and the White House, already know…

They know that any deal with Russia, would require really massive & major concessions.

But the mirror images of the less than intelligent Military Intelligence types (vast oxymoron), are unwilling to accept that CONCESSIONS, massive and unadulterated concessions, stemming from the reality of the battleground. Concessions, not only in territory, but crucially in Ukraine’s and the ex Soviet satellite republics, and all the countries of the Baltics, have to be written in stone, same as they have already been conceded in the lost territories of War, in the lost bravado of their leaders, and in the real battlefield of ideas – and nothing is going to be salvaged by waiting, prevaricating, and obfuscating that reality.

And because all of the future hinges inherent within these Concessions — we need to ask the Poles, the Goths (sic), the Chechs, the Visigoths (sic), the Hungarians, the Romanians, the Bulgars, the Albanians, the Vulgars (sic), and the Turks — how they are faring, and you’ll quickly see that Russia has already won the European war.

Indeed, the old bear, has not moved a pixel of its red line demanding that NATO gets out of Ukraine, and that no NATO nuclear weapons exist in Poland and beyond… the old iron curtain stretching “from Stettin in the Baltic, to Trieste in the Adriatic” and beyond into the hearts and the souls of the European peoples…

And while Russia might agree to be given a slew of concessions, security guarantees, and exchange values in trade for the continued existence of Ukraine — it is hard to see how such guarantees from the West would have any practical trade value, in the wild seasons of this war, where Ukraine is already a Russian zombie zone. 

The twinning of Paris and Kiev, as the twin Monsieurs Macron and Zelensky, tie up the knot of linking their fates to the end, in their homoerotic union of ultimate destruction.

Yet, methinks that ultimately the assembled chorus of the gayboys of NATO, that are now harping away “war-war-war” while stitching their needlework — they must ask themselves, if they even think it possible that the US is willing to go to nuclear war with Russia, over Europe’s Ukraine folly that only benefits Germany 2.0, the perennial aggressor that always leads to the destruction of Europe and beyond, since the time of Julius Caesar, and Charlemagne.

What is wrong with the suicidal Germans?

Don’t they remember Charlemagne?

What about the thousand years of darkness?

Maybe they ought to look themselves into the mirror, and they will find the answer staring straight back at them in the same mirror.

Know thyself Motherfucker?  

Do you know yourself?

Best to also ask the same question at night, while staring in the mirror when applying “preparation H” and “Vagisil” prepping your “derriere” for the night’s poofy-fairy activities…

Please repeat the exercise often and apply vigorously, because the only solid and proven military force within NATO is whatever the United States chooses to field, and as soon as these elections are over, and the resident “Depends” wearing invalid, is removed from the executive porcelain throne of the little WC, next to the Oval Office — this conflict will cease to exist, and you will all be lost as a footnote to History. 

Yet, even if you think that the present US regime of invalids, will continue its existence — please recall that the US forces are mainly comprised of a minor, professional, yet highly expeditionary force, that is rather small in numbers, XL in girth of logistics & transportation needs, not battle hardened, effeminate with LGBTQ dress wearing blokes, and certainly no match for the Russian land armies, fighting like ancient Spartans, killing and getting killed for the Motherland, and still always just a walk away, a short drive, or a real train ride away from their own hearth & home. 

Fighting for your Honor, your HomeHouse, your Hearth, and for the temples of your Mother’s father, and the graves of your parents — is always a sweet & glorious affair.

And if anyone wants to see what happens to expeditionary forces deployed far & wide, or even across the channel, in support of Chimeric plans and natives who are unwilling to fight, like the French always are — just recall the depressing “look” of the providential Dunkirk evacuation that we have all known as the greatest disaster to befall UK’s once proud EF.

Dunkirk 26-29 May 1940 British troops line up on the beach at Dunkirk to await evacuation.

Those evacuations, didn’t work out very well in 1940, and they are not likely to work any better, in 2024 either.

Anyone here recalls Biden’s evacuation of American Expeditionary forces from Afghanistan in recent memory?

I am only speaking to those of you who are not facing “Memory Issues” and who might recall what they had for supper the night last…

As for the vaunted American military advantage of tactical, aerodynamic & strategic aviation — is just a well concocted mirage, because in this particular instance, the US pilots who by nature & training are seeking battlefield advantage & safety in numerical superiority; would have to operate in a dense aerial advantage-denying battle environment, where Russian air defenses hold absolute dominance of the Air, via Russia’s well trained rough & tumble, battle hardened, and agile airframes making up the majority of its air force, could reduce US tactical aviation effectiveness into a multitude of charred remains of our aircraft fleet, littering the black soil of Ukraine, with the net result of denying farmers their potato crops. 

Yet, although it still is quite true that the US has stealth capabilities — the Russians have been highly secretive about their scientific capabilities, to defeat any stealth aircraft in the battlefield. Indeed, they have been working to their utmost advantage in bringing down US stealth fighters, such as the F-22 and F-35 who are now open to be shot down by pheasant hunters from the ground — let alone the sophisticated missiles of Russian defenses and the inevitable UAVs, or Drones. 

Of course, no one can say for sure how far along Russia is on being able to target American stealth platforms, but Russian strategic defenses are using WHF, UHF, L, and ultra high spread-spectrum and dynamic band radars, to make sure that they are neither surprised, nor incapable of handling and exterminating stealth airplane threats. 

That explains why two Russian strategic radar sites were targeted by drones this past week. 

Was the attack on Russia’s strategic radar assets a preparation for the introduction of US strategic bombers and tactical aviation into the Ukraine war?

Well, … who knows.

Yet, since our ultimate leader has been diagnosed as ALS suffering, Alzheimers, Dementia sufferer — I must say, “maybe.”

Add to that the fact of his oncoming electoral loss — and I ought to be honest and say “definitely.”

As for the fate of our minority Allies & NATO partners, sticking their bloody noses where they don’t belong — the words of the ancient military leader Xenophon must be heeded.

Because he wrote this dramatic military history, more than two thousand years ago, describing a similar situation to the Ukrainian conflict of today — when he threw his lot with the usurpers of a foreign battle, and after his host’s colossal defeat, he was want to escape.

This he accomplished with ten thousand other mercenary troops, by running leaderless on foot, for a thousand miles, hoping to find the sea, in order to start “swimming” with his life still beating in his chest. This is a teachable moment, as it was written more than two thousand years ago in the book “Cyrus Anavasis” by Xenophon — and if you are a military leader today involved in Ukraine — reading it, must run cold sweats into your spine.

 “”Cyrus’s ascent” was written by the aptly named Xenophon, and here is a primer for all those of you, who have been deprived of a Classical education due to modernity’s demand for participatory trophies and equal grades for all.

“”Xenophon’s Anabasis” of Cyrus, (or “going up” or “ascent” of Cyrus the Younger) is the incredible and autobiographical story of a small group of mercenary Greek soldiers standing up to the largest empire of the ancient world, the Persians. Cyrus the Younger employs a band of ten thousand private Greek soldiers (Mercenaries) to attack and take over, the legitimate kingship of his brother, Artaxerxes. Both Cyrus the Younger, and Artaxerxes are sons of Darius, Emperor of Persia. On his deathbed, Darius, gave the Empire and crowned as King, his elder son Artaxerxes, and also gave a territorial governorship to Cyrus, his younger son.

Naturally, distrust arose between the two brothers. Artaxerxes received advice that Cyrus was attempting to overthrow him, so he banished Cyrus until their mother intervened and Cyrus was reinstated in his province, but from this moment on, Cyrus seeks to “avoid being subject to his brother ever again.”

The only way to achieve Cyrus’s goal is to commit regicide. Thus, Cyrus endeavored to secretly marshal troops from Greece against his brother Artaxerxes, the King of kings of Persia…

Kind-a-like the Supreme Ayatollah of today…

Xenophon’s Anabasis is written in the third person (i.e. Xenophon refers to himself as “he” rather than “I”) though it is also Xenophon’s essential autobiography. The text contains a great many echoes of Thucydides in its active military exploration of political philosophy through the question of one particular moment of regicide. Was Cyrus’s campaign justified? Was Cyrus successful? Why does Xenophon use Cyrus’s campaign to present his autobiography?

As with other Xenophontic literature, the title is ironic. It mainly reflects the action of Book I, or Cyrus’s ascent (which is perhaps continued briefly into Book II), however the remainder of the text is of Xenophon’s “ascent” as he leads the Greek mercenary warriors back to the coast, away from the Persians who had resoundingly defeated Cyrus. The ascension of Cyrus proves to be flawed, but the amazing ascension of the Greeks comes to light as successful. Cyrus was killed in battle causing commotion and confusion among the troops, and then some of the top Greek generals are captured and beheaded, or tortured alive for one year.

Cyrus’s Macbethian regicide, is a spectacular failure, but the dominion of the Greeks both in intellect as well as in battle, is apparent. The setting of the adventure takes place shortly after the conclusion of the Peloponnesian War, and there are both Laecadaemonians as well as Athenians among the soldiers’ ranks. For Sparta, soldiers were marshaled by the city, while Athenians are largely free and independent men. They decide for themselves if they choose to participate in this skirmish. The reasons for Xenophon’s participation in Cyrus’s campaign are provided in Books II-III. He received a letter from a compatriot promising him that he would get to know Cyrus the Younger better if he became a part of the campaign. But he wound up being deceived. Xenophon was not aware that the campaign was to overthrow the “Great King” of Persia, Artaxerxes. Upon receiving a letter from his friend in Cyrus’s militia of mercenaries, Xenophon first consulted Socrates in Athens who advised him to seek advice from the Oracle of Apollo. Socrates then criticized the form of Xenophon’s question to the god, as it implied Xenophon’s personal desire to participate in the militia. Thus Xenophon’s fate was sealed. He was to join up with the Greek mercenaries in pursuit of the most powerful emperor of the ancient world.

After the death of Cyrus the Younger in battle, the Greeks continue battling the Persians until they make a safe exit, under Xenophon’s leadership, and they eventually arrive at the Black Sea, on Pontos, (crying the famous chant: “Thálatta! Thálatta!” or “The Sea! The Sea!”) a Greek city on the coast under much celebration around Book V. The tone of Books V-VII is celebratory until the Greeks finally arrive at Lydia. They return to their fatherlands after great struggle.””

And because the “new” US policy on strikes inside Russian territory today appears to be “limited” to counter-battery strikes in the Kharkiv region, meaning only inside Russian territory around Belgorod, a Russian city that has been targeted already by Ukrainian artillery and drone strikes — the reality must have set in to the Ukrainians that they best cut and run before Armageddon commences.

 As for the Brits and their IndoEnglish rich Asian yet still subcontinental boisterous and boasting PM — the curry house around the corner from Downing Street has a peculiar flavor, that the UK prime Minister always orders, listed in the menu and appropriately named as “Spank Curry.”

You can figure that one out for yourselves.

The other significant limitation is that the US will not allow ATACMS missiles to be fired into Russian territory, excluding Crimea which the Russians regard as their territory, but the Ukrainians still claim as theirs.

Yet my advise as always falls on deaf ears: Please boys, “Put down the crack pipe before anyone gets hurt.”

Well … that boat has obviously already sailed for sunnier climes.

Today Reuters says that the US increased weapons inside Russia policy is largely meaningless because US and NATO weapons are already being used on Russia’s territory to bolster the failing and fast deserting the battlefield, Ukrainians. 

But the Russian bear’s tooth, its President Putin, recently speaking in Tashkent, said that the US and NATO have always been manning the long range weapons and providing target intelligence for them.

So the “new” policy is not new after all.

Striking deep in Russia sounds like an attractive military option, but it is far from clear such attacks can change the course of the war in Ukraine.  The best option Ukraine has in trying to push back the Russians is the use of drones, most of which are Chinese in origin which are modified by Ukraine to carry explosive ordnance, mainly RPG-7 warheads. These can kill a tank or armored vehicle, or even the occasional command center or air defense radar.  Ukraine has been firing them in the thousands and they are moderately effective.  It is noteworthy that the Chinese keep selling them to the Ukrainians, even though their friend and ally is Russia.

It is also interesting that the Russians say nothing about it.  You want to know why, don’t you?

Because it seems, that the fastest way for Russia to end the Ukraine war, would be to stop the supply of drones.  

Drone with PG-7VL warhead

There are a number of Chinese drone companies, but the biggest and most important is DJI (Da Jiang Innovations) which owns 70 to 80% of the world market. There also are drone suppliers in Europe and the United States, but they do not produce in high volume.

The change in US policy is encouraged by many of the NATO countries with some notable exceptions.  Hungary, which is against NATO involvement in Ukraine, opposes deep strikes in Russian territory.  More relevantly, Italy has come out against the idea.  The Germans, on their part, and their French puppy-boys, for what it is worth — say they support deep strikes, but so far at least will not supply Taurus missiles, their only deep strike cruise missile weapon.

Even for me, it is hard to say what the Russians will do, beyond what they are already doing.

Mainly, because Pentagon’s and the Biden administration’s new policy, unfortunately, commits NATO, to a war with Russia, and approaches a declaration of war against Russia. 

And in any self preserving approach — Russia will respond vehemently to protect their Motherland.

And if they deem it necessary, the nukes will fly forth unbidden by petty considerations like retaliatory strikes, Nuclear Winter and Human extinction…

Detente does not work in a vacuum of logic.

This means that the Russians could retaliate lobbing small & untraceable nuclear bombs into Washington, Berlin, London, Paris, and elsewhere to give a taste of what’s to come, and await the West’s response for more gluttonous punishment.

How do we know that his is what they are going to do?

We do, because there are some real hot-headed drunks inside Russia’s Duma and the Politburo, that are already pushing for that. 

Of course we all know that our changing policy — would instantly expand the war to Europe, and America — a policy shift President Putin has valiantly resisted.

So far…  

The likely result of all this, is that the Ukraine war will continue even as it threatens to become a global nuclear war. 

NATO will take even more losses, including NATO soldiers. 

Behind the scenes, plans to use air power or NATO ground forces, are unlikely to happen, given the dire consequences for Europe.  NATO flirting with a bigger war is horribly risky, as serious thinkers in Europe and the United States realize. 

Spooking the Russians to back off by attacking Russian territory or sending in French soldiers, will not work as the Russians have already priced-in that reality, and are plowing ahead with the war in Ukraine. 

Furthermore NATO’s failure to negotiate over Ukraine means the bleeding out of NATO’s already limited capabilities will continue.  Some NATO states may decide they need to look elsewhere for security. 

China is loving this inimical exchange vastly bleeding out, and diminishing the powers of it’s two most powerful “frenemies” of their World Supremacy, during the SinoCentury that has started during this year of the Dragon, 2024.

Yet, the old Russian bear is still holding the World’s largest nuclear arsenal and is not afraid of using it…

So the only question that begs and needs to be answered, is this one :

Is NATO flirting with the full extinction of the Human species?


Dr Churchill


But then again, why am I blaming our lovely Pentagon brass, our dependable “Depends” wearing President, the woke virus infected administration, and the erstwhile NATO sleepwalkers who seek to straighten their left leaning bananas, in this season of plenty?

They are not different from all other human foibles and the all too real human follies, we’ve experienced thus far, but are simply unable to understand their own limitations of intelligence, geopolitical foresight, and foreskin too.

Know thyself moffos — just take a look in the mirror.

Otherwise, you are just like me, flirting with extinction by bedding Lara Croft…

At least I know the risks and am willing to take them.

Fair enough?

At least, I get to be fully Happy rooting & shaking up in my bedroom, but they are not…

Needless to say my risks are minimized since writing this book, because she regards me as a Hero and heroes never die…

Still, its good to be humble.

And it is rather important to recall that as the author of the Declaration of Independence and third president of these United States admonished us:

It is our duty still to endeavor to avoid war; but if it shall actually take place, no matter by whom brought on, we must defend ourselves.”

–Thomas Jefferson

Or, “If our house be on fire, without inquiring whether it was fired from within or without, we must try to extinguish it.”

Remember the Greeks in the Peloponnesian wars?

That’s leadership.

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